Friday 6 May 2011

Title Sequence

After developing the shape of the car, I went back and re thought my choice of typefaces for this title sequence, as in the first few attempts my choices were Caslon big for the main body of text, titles names and credits, the second typeface I chose was Impact for the actual title of the film. I chose to use these typefaces because I was looking for a connection between the main character (played by Clint Eastwood) Walt and the different characteristics in the typeface that could represent the personality and intricacies of Walt himself.

But after the class review session I realised that even though the choices were valid they just wern't perfect. so i went back looking for some more suitable typefaces that could fulfill these requirements better. In the redesign I decided to use the typeface Didot instead of Big Castlon and Gill Sans over Impact.

I decided these changes because they not only work well apart but can be combined (separatly in the same title sequence) and will compliment the shapes and angles of the car illustration.

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